Friday, August 4, 2017

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on the "City Upon a Hill" Blog's

Image result for Trump EPA              The Administration and the EPA is a disheartening situation for this country to have to face. In the article written by Tony Shay, Trump: to EPA or not to EPA? we understand just how the importance of our environment has been degraded and underestimated. Shay talks about the EPA and the deregulations that have happened because of this new administration. Stating in the article Trump has removed climate change data from the EPA website, removed half of the EPA’s scientific advisers, and withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement.” This is a drastic contrast from the previous Administration. 

              The fact that the information that was made public prior to this Administration and is now unavailable. The only reason information is removed is to hinder clarity and remove unpleasant details. Shay mentions the Administration will  “eliminate confusion by removing outdated language”, this is the degrading and demeaning, it seems like someone tell the public “sorry, lets dumb this down”. The public does have a right to know all details regarding climante change. 

              I truly agreed with Shay’s explanation and the disappointment that I have felt regarding the handling of our environmental laws by the Trump Administration have been pretty similar to them as well. Shay clarified that “While I am not some fanatical “green thumb” who worships recycling and preaches clean energy, I do think it is important to preserve the Earth for the future and not destroy what we have.”. This not only made me smile, but hit the meat of it. You do not need to be an environmentalist to realize you live on this planet and what you do to it affects everyone not just yourself. 

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