Thursday, August 3, 2017

Blog Stage Seven: Original Commentary,The US Embargo on Cuba

An article published in commentary section of Reuters by Peter Van Buren: Drinking rum until I understand the Cuban embargo. Left my heart racing, honestly shaking my head at disbelief. This is why I wanted to explain the Cuban Embargo from the perspective of a Cuban that left the island. The reason behind lifting the embargo is to help the people of Cuba, is an idealist thought that somehow a change in our foreign policy can bring out a fundamental change to country that was built on oppression and lies is misguided.  Some think that this tropical island is in ruins because of the US Embargo.

Image result for CubaThere is nothing romantic about this and the reality that is often brought back by those tourist that visit is starkly different than what comes back when a former Cuban National visits. My sister’s have traveled there  to visit sick family. They saw first hand the horror in the hospitals. They may have free healthcare, but there is no soap to wash your hands. The infection rate is through the roof. You get running water and food when the government chooses. Healthcare might seem free, but how free is it if a doctor only makes $50 dollars a month? Seems to me like an indentured servitude.

American foreign policy with Cuba is something that needs to stand.  It is often said that it’s the US fault that they are in ruin. Let get one thing clear the ruin of Cuba lies within Cuba itself. The Castro regime is absolute in its power, a murderous dictatorship. I wonder how many new of the homosexual concentration camps built by the Castros! The reason the older Cuban generation declares the lift of the embargo absurd, is that it understands in away that only those that live through something can.  A country run by this type of government needs to have limits placed on it .If the purpose is to help the people and not the regime.

How will trade effect the Cuban population, by allowing the government to get richer (Cause the Castro's needs more gold to line there million dollar homes) Those in the general population clever and corrupt enough, may find ways to manipulate the system to get some benefits. Funneling money to this type of regime is like give to a monarchy to fix its crown.  The horrors that are face by the Cuban people are not to be forgotten. I could possibly go on and on, but I leave you with this thought, should the KKK be exonerated for its atrocities if it comes out and say oh “My Bad, all humans should be treated fairly, let’s move on”. That is grotesque and absurd idea, but I make that to prove a point that we are not dealing with a new government. It is a government that imprisons those that have a difference of opinion.

There must be change on the island that belongs to the people and not to the government, allowing the government in Cuba to control and dictate how we will trade with them is absurd and an insult to those that understand what we must really strive for in Cuba.  The Embargo should not be lifted on the Cuba's governments terms. My only wish is that one day I may see where I was born once again, without fear of oppression.     

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